Social Services at Chicago Irish Immigrant Support


Chicago Irish Immigrant Support is proud to offer a array of social services to the Irish community.


We provide case management and support services to vulnerable individuals and those experiencing difficulties. We assist clients to access services and benefits through direct interactions with our social services department or by providing referrals to appropriate agencies.


If you or someone you know have fallen on hard times we urge you to get in contact with us via phone or email.   




Senior Services:

Among our deepest concerns at Chicago Irish Immigrant Support are the challenges faced by the elderly population. We offer intensive case management services to the older folks in our community as well as run weekly drop-in group meetings hosted at Gaelic Park (Emerald Club) and the Irish American Heritage Center (Tara Club).


We cater to around 120 seniors each month and our meetings are designed to be a social and educational experience. Anyone is free to come along for a warm Irish welcome and to enjoy an exciting line up of guest speakers and events.  


Follow the Calendar of Events to learn about Chicago Irish Immigrant Support's Senior events by clicking HERE.


For locations and information about where Chicago Irish Immigrant Support provides senior programming,  click on the name(s) to find out about:


Irish American Heritage Center - Chicago, Illinois


Gaelic Park - Oak Forest, Illinois



We hope to see you at one of our meetings soon!